Educational Services » Educational Advisory Committee Partners Group

Educational Advisory Committee Partners Group

What is the Educational Advisory Group?

The Educational Advisory Committee (EAC) serves as an essential Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP) community partner group of San Gabriel Unified School District.  The EAC serves in an advisory capacity; is a communication link between schools and community; and promotes District initiatives, school activities, and programs.  The EAC includes a representative group of members that includes: school administrators, parents, teachers, Bargaining Unit leadership, district administrators, classified staff, board members, and students.
The primary role of the EAC is to offer feedback and input on progress made toward meeting the district's LCAP goals, Portrait of a Graduate goals, and/or other areas of focus.  The committee meets four times a year. 
SGUSD’s 2023-24 Draft Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP) can be viewed by clicking below:

When does the EAC Meet?

Where can I find the agendas/presentations from the EAC Meetings?