Nondiscrimination Harassment

Nondiscrimination Statement
The San Gabriel Unified School District is committed to providing a safe school environment where all individuals in education are afforded equal access and opportunities. The District’s academic and other educational support programs, services and activities shall be free from discrimination, harassment, intimidation, and bullying of any individual based on the person’s actual race, color, ancestry, national origin, ethnic group identification, age, religion, marital or parental status, physical or mental disability, sex, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, or gender expression; the perception of one or more of such characteristics; or association with a person or group with one or more of these actual or perceived characteristics. Specifically, state law prohibits discrimination on the basis of gender in enrollment, counseling, and the availability of physical education, athletic activities, and sports.  Transgender students shall be permitted to participate in gender-segregated school programs and activities (e.g., athletic teams, sports competitions, and field trips) and to use facilities consistent with their gender identity.
As required by law, the San Gabriel Unified School District is notifying you of your rights and responsibilities. Please review the information in the Annual Notification to Parents and Guardians. Also available on this page are the links to the SGUSD Uniform Complaint Procedures as well as the District’s Non-discrimination statement.
Como lo requiere la ley, el Distrito Escolar Unificado de San Gabriel le está notificando sus derechos y responsabilidades. Revise la información en la Notificación anual a los padres y tutores. También están disponibles en esta página los enlaces a los Procedimientos Uniformes de Quejas del SGUSD, así como a la declaración de no discriminación del Distrito.
SGUSD is committed to providing a safe school environment where all individuals in education are afforded equal access and opportunities.
El SGUSD se compromete a proporcionar un entorno escolar seguro donde todas las personas en educación tengan el mismo acceso y oportunidades.
The Uniform Complaint Investigation Form identifies the staff member who is responsible to receive and investigate Uniform Complaints.
El Formulario de investigación uniforme de quejas identifica al miembro del personal responsable de recibir e investigar las quejas uniformes.
SGUSD’s Uniform Complaint Policy states the District commitment to notifying parents and guardians annually about the UCP and the programs and activities subject to the UCP. The UCP applies to federal and state laws and regulations. A parent or guardian that has a complaint or concern not related to federal and state laws and regulations is encouraged to contact their child’s school principal or contact Student Support at (626) 451-5400.
SGUSD的统一投诉政策指出,学区承诺每年向父母和监护人通知UCP以及受UCP约束的计划和活动。 UCP适用于联邦和州法律法规。鼓励有与联邦和州法律和法规无关的投诉或担忧的父母或监护人与孩子的学校校长联系,或致电(626)451-5400与学生支持小组联系。
La Política Uniforme de Quejas del SGUSD establece el compromiso del Distrito de notificar anualmente a los padres y tutores sobre el UCP y los programas y actividades sujetos al UCP. EL UCP se aplica a las leyes y reglamentos federales y estatales. Se recomienda a los padres o tutores que tengan una queja o inquietud no relacionada con las leyes y reglamentos federales y estatales que se comuniquen con el director de la escuela de su hijo o se comuniquen con el Departamento de Apoyo al Estudiante al (626) 451-5400.
The Uniform Complaint Procedures (UCP) complaint is a written and signed statement alleging a violation of federal or state laws or regulation.
La queja del Procedimiento Uniforme de Quejas (UCP) es una declaración escrita y firmada que alega una violación de las leyes o regulaciones federales o estatales.