Visual and Performing Arts (VAPA) » Elementary Arts Education

Elementary Arts Education

Music - 
All Students at all sites have year long, high quality, standards aligned music education taught by a specialist. Our music staff are trained in Orff, Kodaly, and Dalcroze methodologies. 
Curriculum - In addition to the above, our teachers utilize Musicplay Online.  
Roosevelt Elementary is the site of the Music Immersion Experience Program, an award winning music program where every student at the school receives music instruction on a daily basis as part of the Extended Day Programs in SGUSD.  
Visual Art and Media Arts - 
Currently Implementing: Two full time Art TOSAs provide Visual and Media Arts instruction to students in all grades.  They also provide coaching to classroom teachers to integrate arts into other subject areas to increase engagement and creative learning. This will be fully implemented as of the 2024-25 school year. 
Dance and Theater -
San Gabriel Unified partners with LA Arts Group to provide Dance and Theater instruction to students in grades TK-5.  Grades TK-2 receive 6-10 weeks of instruction from a teaching artist in dance. Grade 3 receives 10-13 weeks of theater instruction. Grade 4 studies Flamenco with a 12 week workshop, and Grade 5 studies theater more in depth and integrated with their History studies, including performances.