Human Resources » Human Resources

Human Resources

Human Resources

The San Gabriel Unified School District Human Resources Department is a vital branch of the District’s administration. The mission of the Human Resources Department is to recruit, attract and retain highly qualified certificated and classified employees to implement district programs and provide the best quality services for our students. San Gabriel Unified School District employs three classifications of employees: Certificated employees must have a specialized credential (e.g. teacher, counselor, speech therapist, or school principal). Classified employees need not have a credential. They are the support staff of the district (e.g. clerical staff, custodians, food services, noon supervisors, para educators, secretaries, maintenance workers). Management employees fall into two categories: certificated and classified management. Management personnel who evaluate certificated personnel are required to have an administrative credential.

What Makes San Gabriel Unified School District a Great Place to Work?

The San Gabriel Unified School District, with its focus on providing equitable learning opportunities for all students, is at the forefront of educational reform and committed to ongoing professional development. The District has formed a District-wide Equity Team which attend Beyond Diversity Training, focusing on raising the achievement of all students while narrowing the gap between the highest and lowest performing students and eliminating the racial predictability and disproportion of which student groups occupy the highest and lowest achievement categories. Ongoing professional development encourages collegiality and collective problem solving, innovation and academic excellence. Eligible new teachers participate in the SGVC (San Gabriel Valley Consortium) Induction Program, which provides coaching and training to new teachers based on the California Standards for the Teaching Profession.